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Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Librariesজাতীয় গ্রন্থাগার দিবস ২০২৪BALID EC 2024-2025বীর মুক্তিযোদ্ধাদের সম্মাননা ও আলোচনা এবং রচনা ও কুইজ বিজয়ী শিশুদের পুরষ্কার প্রদান অনুষ্ঠান - ২ ডিসেম্বর ২০২২BALID Award 2021BALID EC 2022-23

Welcome to BALID

Bangladesh Association of Librarians, Information Scientists and Documentalists (BALID) is a national association of librarians, information scientists and teachers of information science and library management. It is the only full-fledged professional body in Bangladesh in the field of library and information management. The mission of BALID is to modernize the library and information profession and to uphold the interest of the professionals in Bangladesh. BALID believes that access to information; intellectual freedom and knowledge based society are the key components of development.

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Training on Library Management Software Koha and RDA held at ULAB during 12-14 January 2018

A three-day long training program on Library Management Software Koha and RDA successfully completed at University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh(ULAB), Dhanmondi during 12-14 January 2018. The training programme was organized by BALID Institute of Information Management(BIIM) in collaboration with University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB). Kazi Farhad Noman, Deputy Librarian, BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology and AKM Nurul Alam Apu, Deputy Director, Bangladesh Bank (Library) were the resource person in the programme. Forty participants from different Government and private institutes took part in the programme. Ms. Fatema-Tuz.Johra and Mr. Abu Zafor Bhuiyan, Library Officer, ULAB were training associate in the programme.

Annual Picnic of BALID going to be held on 16 February 2018

The Annual Picnic of Bangladesh Association of Librarians, Information Scientists and Documentalists (BALID) will be held on Friday, 16 February 2018 at "Priya Kunja, Dr. Mirza Park" at Chalknazu, Churkhai, Mymensingh.
All professionals with family members are cordially invited to attend the Annual Picnic.
Picnic Details:
When : Friday, 16 February, 2018
Where : "Priya Kunja, Dr. Mirza Park" at Chalknazu, Churkhai, Mymensingh.
Contribution Fee: 1200/-
Last day for contribution: 12 February, 2018

Training on Library Management Software – Koha and RDA

Training or Workshop
12 January 2018 - 12:00am to 14 January 2018 - 11:45pm
A 3 day-long training programme on Library Management Software Koha and RDA is going to be held during 12-14 January 2018 organized by Bangladesh Association of Librarians, Information Scientists and Documentalists (BALID) in collaboration with University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB). The details of the programme is given below:

Koha is an open source and free software library automation package. In use worldwide, its development is steered by a growing community of users collaborating to achieve their technology goals. Koha’s feature set continues to evolve and expand to meet the needs of its user base. In-addition, in use worldwide in libraries of all sizes, Koha is a true enterprise-class ILS has comprehensive functionality including basic or advanced options. Koha includes modules for circulation, cataloging, acquisitions, serials, reserves, patron management, branch relationships. It provides easy to use circulation policies,strong patron management,intuitive navigation, and extensive permissions for staff accounts. It also allows libraries to update older records with a newer version. 

Online Registration

অধ্যাপক ড. কে, এম, সাইফুল ইসলাম-এর মৃত্যু - ৩১ জুলাই ২০১৭

ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের
তথ্যবিজ্ঞান ও গ্রন্থাগার ব্যাবস্থাপনা বিভাগের
সাবেক অধ্যাপক ড. কে, এম, সাইফুল ইসলাম-এর
মৃত্যুতে আমরা শোকাহত।

বাংলাদেশ গ্রন্থাগারিক ও তথ্যায়নবিদ সমিতি (বেলিড)
৩১ জুলাই ২০১৭

Training workshop on Communication Skills for 21st century library professionals held on 29 April 2017

A day long training workshop on ‘Communication Skills for 21st century library professionals’ held on 29 April 2017 organized by Bangladesh Association of Librarians, Information Scientists and Documentalists (BALID) in collaboration with Eastern University (EU) Library. The workshop was organized at EU Seminar Room and Computer Lab. The resource persons discussed on various aspects of communication skills, Professional writing, Career Development, Professional Exploration and Networking. Ms Hazera Rahman, Ms Razina Akhter and M. Monirul Islam (Kanok) were the resource persons...


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