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জাতীয় গ্রন্থাগার দিবস ২০২৫Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Librariesজাতীয় গ্রন্থাগার দিবস ২০২৪BALID EC 2024-2025বীর মুক্তিযোদ্ধাদের সম্মাননা ও আলোচনা এবং রচনা ও কুইজ বিজয়ী শিশুদের পুরষ্কার প্রদান অনুষ্ঠান - ২ ডিসেম্বর ২০২২BALID Award 2021BALID EC 2022-23

Welcome to BALID

Bangladesh Association of Librarians, Information Scientists and Documentalists (BALID) is a national association of librarians, information scientists and teachers of information science and library management. It is the only full-fledged professional body in Bangladesh in the field of library and information management. The mission of BALID is to modernize the library and information profession and to uphold the interest of the professionals in Bangladesh. BALID believes that access to information; intellectual freedom and knowledge based society are the key components of development.

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Workshop on ‘eXe learning’ software - 24 January 2015

Training or Workshop
24 January 2015 - 12:00am to 11:45pm
BALID Institute of Information Management (BIIM) is going to organize a daylong workshop on ‘eXe learning’ software on Saturday 24 January 2015 at CIRDAP Computer Lab, Chameli House, 17 Topkhana Road, Dhaka. This is the first time in Bangladesh, a good number of the library professionals are going to experience with e-learning software.
Libraries used to arrange training program for library instructions, information literacy, e-resource management, reference management, avoiding plagiarism, and many more. In addition to trainings, the users need to practice their learning in a self-learning mode. Furthermore, the users who do not have the chance to attend or the personnel who are very shy or cannot manage time to attend library-arranged program, can practice the same materials through self-learning, and update their knowledge by taking exercise and quiz and monitor their own progress.

Training on Library Automation and Digitization Software 'SLiMS' and 'RFID'

Training or Workshop
24 April 2015 - 12:00am to 26 April 2015 - 11:45pm
BALID Institute of Information Management (BIIM) is going to organize a three day long training programme on Library Automatiomation and Digitization Software 'SLiMS' and 'RFID'. The Training will be held at E-resource Access Centre, North South University, Bashundhara, Baridhara, Dhaka during 24-26 April 2015
Expected Outcome: Participants will be able to install SLiMS and use it by themselves. They will also be able to implement SLiMS at their institutions. Practical demonstration on RFID will aslo be experienced by the participants.

For details, please visit

Online Registration

'SLiMS' and 'RFID' Training Courses 
(with short introduction)

Training Workshop on Thesaurus was held at ULAB on 29 November 2014

Registrar of ULAB at Closing CeremonyA Day long Training Workshop on Thesaurus was held on 29 November 2014 Saturday at Seminar room of Campus-B of ULAB jointly organized by BALID Institute of Information Management (BIIM), Bangladesh Association of Librarians, Information Scientists and Documentalists (BALID) and University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) was successfully accomplished.
A Certificate Award Ceremony of Training Workshop on Thesaurus was held in the evening on 29 November 2014. Lt. Colonel Md. Foyzul Islam (Rtd), Registrar, ULAB was the Chief Guest and distributed the certificates among the participants.

Announcement: Workshop on Thesaurus

BALID Institute of Information Management (BIIM), a subsidiary organization of Bangladesh Association of Librarians, Information Scientists and Documentalists (BALID) is going to arrange a day-long ‘Workshop on Thesaurus’ in collaboration with the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB). To participate in the programme enroll your name now.

Training on MARC21 and D-Space Refreshers course

A  Refreshers course on D-space and a Day-long training program on MARC21 respectively held  on 22 and 23 August 2014 at CIRDAP ICT Centre organized by BALID Institute of Information Management (BIIM), Bangladesh Association of  Librarians, Information Scientists and Documentalists (BALID) in collaboration with Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP) was successfully accomplished.


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