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জাতীয় গ্রন্থাগার দিবস ২০২৫Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Librariesজাতীয় গ্রন্থাগার দিবস ২০২৪BALID EC 2024-2025বীর মুক্তিযোদ্ধাদের সম্মাননা ও আলোচনা এবং রচনা ও কুইজ বিজয়ী শিশুদের পুরষ্কার প্রদান অনুষ্ঠান - ২ ডিসেম্বর ২০২২BALID Award 2021BALID EC 2022-23

Welcome to BALID

Bangladesh Association of Librarians, Information Scientists and Documentalists (BALID) is a national association of librarians, information scientists and teachers of information science and library management. It is the only full-fledged professional body in Bangladesh in the field of library and information management. The mission of BALID is to modernize the library and information profession and to uphold the interest of the professionals in Bangladesh. BALID believes that access to information; intellectual freedom and knowledge based society are the key components of development.

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Inauguration of BALID Membership Database - 24 January 2015

BALID has launched its full-fledged membership database on 24 January 2015. BALID is the pioneer in launching membership database in Bangladesh for library professionals. A four-member database team consists of BALID members, namely Mr. A. K. M. Nurul Alam (Apu), Mr. Ahasan Habib, Ms. Momena Khatun and Mr. Jakaria Rahman took the entire journey and completed the database successfully. During the inauguration ceremony, Mr. Ahasan Habib informed about the entire journey of the database team. He also described the challenges the team faced and how they handled those together. Mr. A. K. M. Nurul Alam (Apu) showed the database structure, demonstrated the process of searching and data updating process. In addition, he mentioned about the different ways of communication to reach each member and request for updated information.

Workshop on eXe Learning Software

For the first time in Bangladesh, library professional got hands on training on eXe (eLearning XHTML editor) learning software. The software helps the library professionals to design, develop and publish web-based learning modules without having proficiency in XML/HTML or complex web-publishing applications. The workshop participants found the software as an easy-to-use tool to create an eLearning environment, for example, creating interactive and attractive modules on Library instructions, Information literacy, E-resource discovery, Reference management, Plagiarism avoiding, Predatory journals, etc.
A total 29 participants from 20 organizations have participated in the workshop. BALID was overwhelmed with the number of responses from the prospective participants. BALID extended its capacity and allowed 29 participants, though at least 10 more participants have been regretted.

Reception to respected Ms. Akhter Jahan, Member of Parliament

BALID honoured Ms. Akhter Jahan, Member of Parliament with a reception on 24 January 2015.  Since she worked as a library professional for a long time, library professionals in Bangladesh feel proud of her. Due to urgent government responsibility she was unable to be present at the reception physically, but sent her message to the BALID chairman to convey her greetings and good wishes to all the BALID members. She expressed that BALID will continue her journey with great momentum for the development of the library professional of Bangladesh. Her daughter Ms. Nomita Akhtar Mukti, Librarian of Press Institute of Bangladesh received the reception crest from the Chief Guest and addressed the audience.

Celebration of 29th Anniversary of BALID - 24 January 2015

BALID observed its 29th anniversary on 23 January 2014. A celebration ceremony was held on 24 January 2014 at CIRDAP International Conference Center. A short video on 29 years activities and success stories of BALID was shown during the celebration ceremony. All the names of the respected founder members were announced to honour them. Among founder members, Mr. Minhaz Uddin Ahmed, Mr. Harun-ur-Rashid and Mr. S. M. Shamsuzzaman addressed the audience, recalled the past memories, shared their experiences in  the development of the Association, and expressed their highest satisfaction by observing the BALID activities, and initiatives of the young members. To make the celebration more colourful, a 10 pound cake was there and BALID members along with the chief guest and the BALID chairman slice the cake together.

Annual Picnic 2015

The annual picnic of Bangladesh Association of Librarians, Information Scientists and Documentalists (BALID) is going to be held at Bhuyan Bari, Sonargaon and visit Banglar Tajmohol, Rupganj, Naraynganj. All library professionals are kindly requested to join us. Please confirm us your participation by 10 January 2015.


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Video: 29 years activities of BALID