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BALID AGM 2018 and Election of Executive Council for 2018-2019

Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Election/Formation of the Executive Council of BALID for 2018-2019 will be held on 01 May 2018. BALID members are kindly requested to participate in the AGM 2018 and your active cooperation is sought to constitute the Executive Council of BALID for 2018-2019.
Venue: Gyantapas Abdur Razzaq Bidyapeeth and Bengal Open Studio, House-60, Road-7/A, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1209.

Date & Time: 1 May 2018 at 9.30am
i) Confirmation of minutes of the 21st AGM
ii) Presentation of Annual report: 2016-2017 by Secretary General of BALID and discussion
iii) Presentation of Financial & Audit Report : 2016-2017
iv) Announcement of Budget : 2018-2019 by Finance Secretary, Discussion and Approval
v) Approval of Divisional Chapter of BALID
vi) Election/Formation of EC of BALID for 2018-2019
vii) Miscellaneous 
BALID members are requested to register prior to attending the AGM. Registration can be done filling the form provided below.
Registration will be closed on 29 April 2018.
Registration fee:
An amount Tk. 200 (two hundred and ten) is fixed as registration fee.
You are requested to confirm your registration by transmitting the Registration fee either to the bkash Account No. 01715667447 (use send money option).
Contact Persons & Points for Registration:
1) Mr. A.K.M. Nurul Alam, Bangladesh Bank
2) Mr. AKM Mofizur Rahman, CDL
3) Mr. Humayun Kabir, IUB
4) Mr. Ahasan Habib, IUT