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Announcement: Workshop on Thesaurus

BALID Institute of Information Management (BIIM), a subsidiary organization of Bangladesh Association of Librarians, Information Scientists and Documentalists (BALID) is going to arrange a day-long ‘Workshop on Thesaurus’ in collaboration with the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB). To participate in the programme enroll your name now.

Introduction: A thesaurus is a lexicon of vocabularies in which words are arranged in groups that have the same, similar, or related meanings. It helps to understand the structure of the controlled vocabulary that is vital for the information processing. Attending the workshop, the participants will be able to get instant methodological advice in function of the future need. The Trainees will be able to draw a given field of knowledge, ascertain a vocabulary for own library, index documents properly, retrieve information manually and electronically, and help in exhaustion search etc.

Program detail
Theoretical session: Introduction to thesaurus, functions of thesaurus, construction of   thesaurus, familiar with different thesauri like AGROVOC, Me-SH, Macro-thesaurus, TEST etc                  
Practical session: A hands-on approach including exercises on indexing using thesauruswill enable participants to have the opportunity to work with their own library view.

Time and Date: 08:30 – 17:00; Saturday, 29 November 2014.

Seminar Room (6th floor),
ULAB, Campus-B, House-719/A, Satmosjid Road,
Dhanmondi, Dhaka

Registration: On or before Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Facilities: Refreshment, Lunch and Certificate will be awarded
Seats: 25 seats (first come, first serve)
Course fee: Taka 500 (Five hundred)

Mode of Payment   
  • Cheque/Pay order in favour of Bangladesh Gronthagarik o TothayonbidSomity (BALID)
  • Bkashto mobile no: 01732966482 (Bkash charge taka ten is applicable)
  • Pay in Cash at CDL or Director, BIIM
  • Deposit at Account name: BALID, Current A/C no. 02333001221 of Bank Asia Ltd.

Contact person:
Mr. Shamsuddin Ahmed, Director, BIIM, Cell/Phone 01732966482; 02-7121773.

More information is available in the in

Enroll your name