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Training in “Digital Repository using DSpace” held at CIRDAP ICT Centre during 1-2 May 2014

BALID Chairman handing over a token crest to CIRDAP DGA two-day long training programme on “Digital Repository using DSpace” held at CIRDAP ICT Centre during 1-2 May 2014. The programme was organized by BALID Institute of Information Management (BIIM), Bangladesh Association of Librarians, Information Scientists and Documentalists (BALID) in collaboration with Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP).
At the beginning of the training, a short inaugural session was held at CIRDAP International Conference Centre (CICC). CIRDAP Director General Dr. Cecep Effendi was present as the Chief Guest in the inaugural session while BALID and BIIM Chairman Dr. Mirza Mohd. Rezaul Islam was the chair of the session. Mr. Shyama Prasad Bepary, Joint Secretary of Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology and Life Member, BALID was present as special guest. Dr. Vasanthi Rajendran, Director, ICD & Training, CIRDAP, Mr. Hossein Shahbaz, Director (Pilot Projects), CIRDAP and Mr. Shamsuddin Ahmed, Director, BIIM also present at the session. Mr. Sasanka Kumar Singha, Secretary-General of BALID was the anchor of the session.
There are 25 participants in the training programme from different national and International institutions including Government agencies. Mr. Zahid Hossain Shoeb and Mr. Nur Ahammad from Independent University, Bangladesh were the resource persons of the two-day long training programme. At the end of the training programme, certificates had been awarded among the participants where Dr. Vasanthi Rajendran, Director, ICD & Training, CIRDAP was present as Chief Guest.

List of Participants