Announcement: Use of RFID in Library: a practical experience
Lecture on "Use of RFID in Library: a practical experience" will be jointly organized by BALID Institute of Information Management (BIIM) and Southeast University. To participate on the event, please apply online or to see details click here.
Venue: Southeast University, House# 64, Road# 18, Block# B, Banani, Dhaka.
Resource Person:
Dr. Md. Mostafizur Rahman
University Librarian
North South University
On the event, another session on "Automation of Libraries using SLiMS" will also be held. Mr. AKM Nurul Alam Apu, Assistant Director, Bangladesh Bank Library will speak on the session.
Entry fee: at free of cost but registration must be done with BALID Website. Seats are limited, first come, first serve.
Deadline: 09 April 2014